Disadvantages of Public Schooling

When we consign our children to public schools, we feel satisfied that they are receiving “quality education”. But, are we really getting our money's worth? More importantly, are the children gaining anything from this kind of a learning procedure?

The current public school atmosphere can be detrimental to many students. many parents prefer smaller individualized programs for their children, where they can help shape their child's values and belief systems.

In the classroom the teacher has a class of 20 to 25 children, and textbooks which are supposed to be covered within the school year. Usually, on the first day of the school year, the students are total strangers to the teacher. At this point, the teacher does not know where the students are academically, in what way the each student learn most easily, or the students' interests.

The textbooks define what teaching methods will be used, and the pace at which the teacher will teach the subject. The size of the class limits how much flexibility the teacher has to slow the pace of instruction or supplement for students having difficulties, and how much individual instruction time the teacher is able to give such students.

For students who are quick learners, the teacher lacks flexibility to cover the subject material more quickly, as this would cause difficulties for less quick learners, and might finish the textbook before the school year is over. It would be impractical for the teacher and for the class to have individual students or groups of students proceeding through the subject material at multiple paces. Thus, this generalized method of teaching limits the students ability to learn and progress at their natural pace.

Though the supposed intent of education is to prepare students for real life, schools segregate children into classrooms by age, not because this bears any resemblance to real life, but solely for the

convenience of the school as an institution and the teachers. This artificially limits the environment in which the child learns about interacting with people with different interests and life experiences.

Socialization is hailed as one of the greatest advantage of schools. This is the place where the child picks up the rudiments of social skills that help him survive. But in truth, a regular school-going child can interact only with his peers. He may bully younger children or fear older ones. He does not know how to behave with an adult.

This bullying and/or fear happens because he only interacts with his peers in the school environment. The child may find friends with interests similar to the famliy's, interests that encourage learning and becoming a good citizen.

Likewise, a child may encounter children who decide to bully them or exclude them and make the child's school life generally miserable. A child may find friends whose interests will lead the child into antisocial and dangerous behaviors.

A home­schooling environment brings in a more natural social environment.

A regular school going child cannot read literature. He cannot keep silent or think in depth about any one thing. The artificial 'busy'ness imposed upon him by the school disallows quiet contemplation. Rowdy and destructive behavior, as seen among peers, is more noticeable in school-goers.

There is little long-standing knowledge among regular school goers because most things are learned for the exam. There is no correlation of facts with life. The child may know a lot, but understands very little. This is where the home­schoolers beat the regular school goers.

Ultimately, home­schoolers emerge more adept at facing the outside world.